Eusar 2026
EUSAR 2026 - 16th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar | June 08-11, 2026 | Baden-Baden Gateway to the Black Forest

Welcome Message of the General Chairmen

It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the next edition of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR 2026) which will take place in the beautiful city of Baden-Baden, Germany. This special edition marks the 30th anniversary of EUSAR, celebrating three decades of cutting-edge SAR research, technology, and applications.

Since the first event in 1996, EUSAR has become an important international platform for advancing Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) techniques, concepts and technologies for various domains like science, climate research, commercial services and security. The SAR community provided in this time unique datasets like for example global elevation models or valuable time series data, allowing to assess environmental changes on a global scale, all of them supported by sophisticated technological developments.

EUSAR has played a key role as the worldwide exchange platform for an ingenious community creating tight bonds between the manifold SAR enthusiasts. In 2026 the EUSAR conference will continue this tradition, bringing together experts from academia, industry, and government, from service providers, system developers and users to discuss the latest developments and future needs in SAR imaging, signal processing, applications, and emerging technologies.

Join us in the spa town of Baden-Baden for an inspiring program of tutorials, keynote speeches, technical sessions and an industrial exhibition showcasing the latest SAR innovations. As we celebrate 30 years of EUSAR, we also look ahead to the future of SAR technology and its impact on Earth observation, security, and scientific exploration. The conference center is located directly in the heart of the city within walking distance to the old town and key landmarks like the Kurhaus, the Frieder Burda Museum, castles and many other cultural attractions. The city, as a gate to the Black Forrest, started with it’s fascinating history during ancient Roman settlement. It developed over the centuries the European capital of the art of living and will offer a special environment for the EUSAR 2026.  

Stay tuned for further details on submission deadlines, keynote speakers, and registration.

© Airbus Defence & Space

Grzegorz Adamiuk and Martin Stangl, Airbus Defence and Space
EUSAR 2026 Chairmen

© Airbus Defence and Space GmbH / © DLR e.V.

Download the EUSAR 2026 Baden-Baden SAR Image

© Airbus Defence and Space GmbH 2025 (year of production) and © PAZ satellite image © Hisdesat Servicios Estratégicos S.A., 2025 (year of acquisition)

© DLR e.V. 2018 (year of acquisition), and © Airbus Defence and Space GmbH 2022 (year of production) 

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EUSAR Conference

EUSAR, the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, is the world's leading international conference dedicated to SAR techniques, technology, and applications.

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EUSAR, the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, is the world's leading international conference dedicated to SAR techniques, technology, and applications.

This biennial event provides an excellent forum for exchanging information and discussion on a wide variety of SAR topics, representing the latest SAR developments. About 300 papers will be presented at EUSAR in Baden-Baden, including several invited papers and special sessions.

In addition to oral sessions there will be an interactive poster session. Awards for Best Paper, Best Poster and Best Student Papers will be presented on the last day of the conference.

EUSAR will offer several full-day tutorial courses on the first day, including topical areas such as polarimetry, interferometry, Pol-InSAR and bi-/multistatic SAR. They comprise principles and basic theory, as well as an overview of applications and sensor systems.

Baden-Baden - Gateway to the Black Forest

Fall in love with the European capital of the art of living - Baden-Baden! Here, luxurious wellness oases, historic architecture, lush nature and modern lifestyles merge into an unrivalled experience.

Fall in love with the European capital of the art of living - Baden-Baden! Here, luxurious wellness oases, historic architecture, lush nature and modern lifestyles merge into an unrivalled experience.

Baden-Baden is located in the southwest of Germany, nestled between the gentle hills of the Black Forest and the picturesque vineyards of the region. The spa town thus combines the natural beauty of the forest with the rich tradition of winemaking, making it a unique travel destination. Baden-Baden offers not only a spectacular landscape but also a convenient location, making it easy for travelers to discover the cultural and scenic treasures of three different countries.

Baden-Baden is just a 20-minute drive from the Rhine and the French border. In no time, you can immerse yourself in the Alsatian charm of Strasbourg and enjoy the French way of life.

Switzerland is also not far away, and a day trip to the picturesque city of Basel or the breathtaking Alps is easily possible.

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Conference Venue - Kongresshaus Baden-Baden

EUSAR, the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, will take place at Kongresshaus Baden-Baden/Germany.

EUSAR, the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, will take place at Kongresshaus Baden-Baden/Germany.

An enticing combination: glass and steel enhance the outlook creating space and the perfect ambience for ideas and creativity. Following a five-year period of renovation, the Kongresshaus Baden-Baden now presents itself with a noticeably younger, fresher, and more innovative look – a first rate conference venue at the heart of the charming cosmopolitan town of Baden-Baden.
As you will see, sitting in a ‘glasshouse’ has probably never been so inspiring…

Aesthetic, clear lines and a classic, timeless design – the Kongresshaus Baden-Baden presents an image of elegance, tradition and know-how framed with a special ambience.
The unique location on the world-famous Lichtentaler Allee, the close proximity to Baden-Baden’s Culture Mile, legendary hotels such as Brenners Park-Hotel & Spa, the exclusive shopping boulevards, the soothing spas and the many fashionable bars and restaurants make the Kongresshaus the perfect stage for your presentations, conferences, exhibitions, seminars and workshops.

Kongresshaus Baden-Baden
Augustaplatz 10
76530 Baden-Baden

More information

EUSAR 2026 Conference Dinner

The EUSAR 2026 Conference Dinner invites all conference guests to the historical Kurhaus in Baden-Baden.

The EUSAR 2026 Conference Dinner invites all conference guests to the historical Kurhaus in Baden-Baden.

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The proceedings will be published by VDE Publishing House and available in IEEE Xplore after the conference.

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The proceedings will be published by VDE Publishing House and available in IEEE Xplore after the conference.

All the accepted papers will be published as proceedings (limited edition).

A few months after the conference, the papers will be availbale for purchase as single pdf file.

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Organizer + Contact

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Please contact VDE Conference Services for questions concerning the registation, the paper submission and preparation of your presentations, posters, final papers or the exhibition.

You would like to be informed about the next steps concerning this conference? So please register as prospective customer.

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